January 28, 2006
What is it with people and the flu shot? Do they all go in and say, “Hey! Stick me with a needle, any needle! I don’t care what it will and/or won’t do!” Then I remembered that each generation wouldn’t know everything the one after it does. Not because of age, but because they don’t really bother to learn much more after they’ve finished school.

G and me were arguing the other day bout the flu shot. She was trying to tell me how people get sick from it sometimes; and I’m sitting there like yah duh! It gives you the flu, in a manner of speaking. Without letting me finish, she sitting there literally getting to a yelling point, telling me bout how it don’t give you the flu - was told so by so and so and then there’s TV yadda yadda. All I had to say was it gives your memory cells a jump-start. Course my breath was wasted.

When you get sick (any sickness) your body has to go through a process to decide how to get rid of the invading bacterium. Usually takes 1-4 weeks depending on your immunities, the type, and how much you rely on meds. Meds just make them act like drunks…”Hello! Who are you? Oh, hello virus, I really like you! Wanna go screw round an make some immune viruses?” Well no, ok they don’t literally screw each other, but it’s something along that line. As most people know, the virus copies itself in you. After the virus meets the meds, the virus gets a bit of an immunity to them and lo’ and behold! Offspring that can resist your bottles! But now I’ve gone off topic…

Once your body figures a way to get rid of the bacteria it saves the info, like a file, in a memory cell. If you get sick again, with a very similar bacterium, your body will call the memory cell, then they will kick it out faster; sometimes knocking it down in less then half the time of before. Kind of like stealing someone’s essay. Someone had to do the dragging hard work first, ruff-draft, revision, trial an error, spell check… etc. Then you come on by, copy-paste and get an A+ in a breeze! Always better the second time around.

The shot is like an extremely small dose of the flu. More like diluted. If your immunities are up you won’t notice a thing. If they’re weak you’ll get sick. All it is, is a little bit to let your T cells (I believe) or memory cells know what their up against.

So, you weren’t actually exposed to the full-blown virus, but your cells act like you were. It’s that damn simple! Then again what does a high school drop out know anyhow, huh?
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