Convo #1
Him: Hello, is Allyson there?
Me: Nope, sorry, nobody by that name lives here.
Him: Ok, well can you tell her to call me back? I need to talk to her about my homework…
Me: You have the wrong number.
Him: Oh, sorry, maybe, I think I mixed the numbers up.
CLICK – Repeat – Repeat
Convo #4
Him: Hello, is Allyso I anda there?
Me: Who?
Him: Amanda?
Me: Yah, why?
Him: I need to talk to her about my homework…
Me: You have the wrong number.
Him: Are you sure?
Me: Yes.
Convo #5
Him: Hello, Amanda?
Me: What?
Him: It’s Brian, I met you the other day.
Me: Brian? Heh, where did you meet me?
Him: At the Mall, remember? You gave me your number? You had on a pink shirt, brown short hair, green eyes…
Me: You are sooo off it isn’t even funny. (Ok, I know who this is…PINK? LMFAO I HATE PINK) I haven’t been to the Mall in over a year - Want to try again?
Him: Maybe it was at the movies?
Me: Same deal, want to try again?
Him: Olive Garden?
Me: No, I-
Him: What you don’t like Italian food?
Me: What are you-
Him: Cause I was thinking about asking you out.
Me: Huh? You don’t even know me!
Him: Hello??
Me: What do you want?
This went on for a while - My mom took over, after yelling at them to the point where she couldn’t breathe (asthma), she went to Dad. Then they hung up just as she got right to their bedroom door - after the fucking STEPS she had to climb up. Which was an experience all in it’s own; because, she doesn’t have anything for her asthma, all those supposed methods make her attacks worse…Including an inhaler…
It wasn’t until the incident was over - and I had time to think - that I realized…We just had our phone number changed and I STILL don’t even know my own home number; how could I pass it on? Also, a simple fact, my best friend doesn’t know I cut my hair short; how did he know? Simple, it’s starting all over again…
Shouldn’t let it get to me, but ya know what? It does. It irks me that the one, who wants to harass me, WILL NOT do it on HER OWN. This group of people - who have no life and nothing else better to do with their time - seek pleasure in harassing me. This asshole Brian, who doesn’t know me - nor I him - is willing to and is calling me; because, someone told him to. Then has the balls to ask me the questions that I can hear people dictating to him in the background…
One more call, and I’ll bring in someone they don’t know either. Except mine will direct their asses to court…I’m tired of their bullshit and I’m tired of all this harassment. I wanted to call the cops before, but mom won’t let me. Then I got worried about evidence. Realized after a minute, if I still have what was sent to me I got everything I need. The Instant Message convos, Emails, Letters, and now a voice recording *crosses fingers power doesn’t cut out* course I’m only short of the cigg butts outside of my bedroom window…Tho we might have the pen that was dropped that night.
Opened a folder and EXCELLENT! Holy fuck! This shit started in Jan 2004! Only found one letter that was placed in my mailbox; the one mailed to me, is missing…Don’t matter it’s enough…The letter by itself is enough, seeing as how it was actually written by hand…
With all that…I started wondering what started all this…Heh, oh yah…I dropped her as a friend. Damn, I wonder what she does to her boyfriends…Oh, wait, I know that one. Watched that…Got mad at that…Think it contributed to me dumping her as a friend. Oh well…Get into that another time maybe…For now, I feel better - now that I have vented ^_^
Him: Hello, is Allyson there?
Me: Nope, sorry, nobody by that name lives here.
Him: Ok, well can you tell her to call me back? I need to talk to her about my homework…
Me: You have the wrong number.
Him: Oh, sorry, maybe, I think I mixed the numbers up.
CLICK – Repeat – Repeat
Convo #4
Him: Hello, is Allyso I anda there?
Me: Who?
Him: Amanda?
Me: Yah, why?
Him: I need to talk to her about my homework…
Me: You have the wrong number.
Him: Are you sure?
Me: Yes.
Convo #5
Him: Hello, Amanda?
Me: What?
Him: It’s Brian, I met you the other day.
Me: Brian? Heh, where did you meet me?
Him: At the Mall, remember? You gave me your number? You had on a pink shirt, brown short hair, green eyes…
Me: You are sooo off it isn’t even funny. (Ok, I know who this is…PINK? LMFAO I HATE PINK) I haven’t been to the Mall in over a year - Want to try again?
Him: Maybe it was at the movies?
Me: Same deal, want to try again?
Him: Olive Garden?
Me: No, I-
Him: What you don’t like Italian food?
Me: What are you-
Him: Cause I was thinking about asking you out.
Me: Huh? You don’t even know me!
Him: Hello??
Me: What do you want?
This went on for a while - My mom took over, after yelling at them to the point where she couldn’t breathe (asthma), she went to Dad. Then they hung up just as she got right to their bedroom door - after the fucking STEPS she had to climb up. Which was an experience all in it’s own; because, she doesn’t have anything for her asthma, all those supposed methods make her attacks worse…Including an inhaler…
It wasn’t until the incident was over - and I had time to think - that I realized…We just had our phone number changed and I STILL don’t even know my own home number; how could I pass it on? Also, a simple fact, my best friend doesn’t know I cut my hair short; how did he know? Simple, it’s starting all over again…
Shouldn’t let it get to me, but ya know what? It does. It irks me that the one, who wants to harass me, WILL NOT do it on HER OWN. This group of people - who have no life and nothing else better to do with their time - seek pleasure in harassing me. This asshole Brian, who doesn’t know me - nor I him - is willing to and is calling me; because, someone told him to. Then has the balls to ask me the questions that I can hear people dictating to him in the background…
One more call, and I’ll bring in someone they don’t know either. Except mine will direct their asses to court…I’m tired of their bullshit and I’m tired of all this harassment. I wanted to call the cops before, but mom won’t let me. Then I got worried about evidence. Realized after a minute, if I still have what was sent to me I got everything I need. The Instant Message convos, Emails, Letters, and now a voice recording *crosses fingers power doesn’t cut out* course I’m only short of the cigg butts outside of my bedroom window…Tho we might have the pen that was dropped that night.
Opened a folder and EXCELLENT! Holy fuck! This shit started in Jan 2004! Only found one letter that was placed in my mailbox; the one mailed to me, is missing…Don’t matter it’s enough…The letter by itself is enough, seeing as how it was actually written by hand…
With all that…I started wondering what started all this…Heh, oh yah…I dropped her as a friend. Damn, I wonder what she does to her boyfriends…Oh, wait, I know that one. Watched that…Got mad at that…Think it contributed to me dumping her as a friend. Oh well…Get into that another time maybe…For now, I feel better - now that I have vented ^_^
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