April 18, 2006
While waiting for my Diploma to arrive, I saw an advertisement on TV for http://www.workjersey.com/. Since getting my self a job was next on my list, I decided to check it out. Was pretty cool, though every job I found (that I can actually do) was a dream job and located in North Jersey…So yah, I searched up my area and spotted one job, but it said I had to post a resume…Heh, what? Ok, so now how do I copy past something in there that I don’t even know how to start? Simple, Google XD

100 Templates and 5 signup’s later I wasn’t anywhere close. All the offers and things available were meant for people, unlike me, who actually had past work experience in all sorts of experience. So, I scruffed it and did the best hack job of a resume I could, and sent it in. Now I’m just waiting to see if I get a reply.

Few days after that I got my Diploma, transcripts, and found out my GPA: 3.9…Don’t mean anything. I’m still an idiot, no, now I’m a certified – brainwashed - idiot! AN DAMN PROUD TOO! :P
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