July 20, 2006
When people post obscene things on boards or in real life, you either report or ignore. But this is reality, with a social glitch. Instead of just reporting or walking away, you feel the need to just fire back without looking at the situation calmly. By announcing it, the argument starts. After a while you state you aren’t going to respond/listen anymore. Then my favorite part; argue more. Does this not bring you down to their level? It doesn’t solve anything, cause almost every argument is over nothing and serves no purpose. Teach them a lesson? It’s only a lesson if you learn one in the process. Since you know better though your not learning any lessons.

Anyway you look at it, online, it is SPAM. What about real life conversations that are the same thing, just verbal? We call that insubordination; hence the lessons. Even debate teams learn to calm down and state things in a calm manner. That’s how things get done. Not by squabbling like five year olds on a playground. For some odd reason, though, it’s widely accepted and praised.

I have been anti-social since I was little. I never really liked interacting with people. When it comes to social challenges, I do not feel the need to prove anything to anyone. I don’t really care what its all about or what its supposed to prove. Thus I have not one problem with backing down from a challenge, or losing in one. In the log run, I never really understood much to do bout anything social. So, I always felt the need to try and understand these responses. Figured, the best way to figure this one out was to try it out…which I did for a while, online and off. Either I am missing the whole point or I’m not using it properly. I hope there is another reason than – My conclusion…

Most people issue/accept these challenges because it’s a power trip – like the alpha male/female – which makes sense, seeing as how we are of the animal kingdom. In return they feel the need to back their selves up by standing up for their own self-worth and territory. Course there is a fine line between standing up for ones self-worth and challenging another. Then I came to realize, most that engage into these are just acting on insecurities. They feel the need to publicly challenge others, by hiding behind arrogance. Whilst looking for someone to notice/follow them because they are insecure too.

Communities divide by social ranks and ladders; that’s why we all fail. In return for our stupid ways we have social outcasts, which later become psychopaths. After so long it’s just easier, some more than others, to go into our natural primitive state. Hell that is how we used to act. Cavemen didn’t run around telling people they were going to shoot them. They got up their own ladder, by beating the snot out of others. Only difference in today’s world is they now have social knowledge, language, and the means to blend in. So, now we can verbally attack you, without getting caught…

Every now and then, though, you get one that is searing for honor – the one that jumps in to defend. Most have left that far behind, however, this honor fit is what our current society is supposed to be about. Evolution and all that crap, separate us from the animals.

After all these years of, all people are your brothers and sisters, and treat people the way you want to be treated, we are still beating the snot out of them. Our technology may evolve…we, however…
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