March 20, 2009
First visit to a/my OBGYN..."It will be fun," they said. BULLSHIT!

They had me do more paperwork! Most of the questions were family health related, which they would test the baby and me for. What a fucking list I had to go through - Anemia, Diabetes, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Mental Retardation, Hepatitis, Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel...mind you that's only on my mothers side, as in IMMEDIATE family only.

Course the smoking question came up. Been smoke free since Feb 19th YAY ME! DH needs to quit though. We were supposed to quit on the same day, however, only I succeeded. I had help though LOL All I had to do was think about having a cigg and the baby went, "NO MOMMY!" -pulls on make mommy want to chuck cord- which was the only time I felt nauseous...Unfortunately, now DH reeks of it stronger than I was ever able to smell and he makes me gag.

Then she had me change an plop up on the table...SURPRISE breast exam! She ripped my shirt open an went at it...OMG! Because my breast are so swollen and tender, it hurt so much, I wanted to scream! Then she had me put my feet up an went at the pap smear...again same deal. Course she apologized and commented on how uncooperative the cervix was, however, that didn't make it feel any better.

After looking over my paperwork, she suggested the test for down syndrome. DH jumped at the chance. I really couldn't care, I grew up in Special ED and dealt with ADD/ADHD, BiPolar, Autism, and Tourettes on a daily basis...They never separated any of us in school - limited budget an all. DH's freaked he can't handle it, like I wouldn't be able to handle Diabetes I (II runs in my family, so it is more likely). Howver, having a heads up would be nice; if possible. I signed the agreement and she scheduled it for my next appointment.

Then she sent me to get blood work done...10 fucking tubes for the tests...I wanted to die! I'm petrified of needles...I kept my cool though - I didn't pass out :D
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