April 04, 2009
The very day I left the OBGYN they asked if I had any stomach aches...I started to feel one, however, seeing the cyst - figured it was in my head; for four days. After a while, I realized, the aches were like a stomach virus I had a few years back. It only hurt when I ate, felt better after I shit. (Course, it only hurt when I breathed and the deeper I breathed the more it hurt.) On the fourth day I didn't want to get out of bed, however, I had been there for almost two days nauseous as hell...I had to get something in my stomach for the babies sake. Right after I ate, I ran to the toilet and had green, rank, shotgun like diarrhea. Ok...that was new, I think I'm going to lay down now...Three minutes later I ran to the toilet again, this time vomiting the whole way; DH behind me freaking out...he's so cute somedays.

Went to my official doctor (ER 100$ co-pay, Doc $15) who freaked an walked in with a mask LMAO Even before I lost my virginity, they would ask me if I was pregnant 100 times, before I could see the doc. Well I beat them to it this time! I AM YOU FUCK FACE! Now, on with it! BAH, they hit me with a new one. Has the baby been causing any nausea...OMG NO! I have been lucky so far, it has been an angel. Which is why I am here! I actually threw up! Also, I have been constipated the past 3 months...Today? I had crazy shits all over the can...Anymore stupid questions?

She came back with her mask off and told me to go on a bland diet. No Dairy at all. No Milk, Orange Juice, and blah blah blah...my stomach is too delicate. Then she said, I had a viral infection and probably wouldn't be able to work for the next two days. Course thats only because they wouldn't give me something for it due to me being pregnant...wankers...

Went home and unwillingly changed my diet. Saw bananas on the list and went to town...bad idea. Woke up the next day with heartburn out the ass and acid reflux. I tried Pepto but it didn't do much. Course DH knows best (clears through) and started preaching about how all Russian medical books say Baking Soda is the best thing. I'm not too keen on using my fridge deodorizer as an acid reflux remedy, so I stubbornly refused. He smiled then started chasing me around with a spoon full of the shit. Eventually, he said, "If you try it just once, I will quit smoking." I knew he was full of shit, but I wanted to see if he would even try; I swallowed the nasty shit. Later I felt better and he had a smoke, said he'd quit tomorrow...

Credit: Image from Baby-Gaga
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