January 10, 2009
The stupid toothache that kicked in on my wedding day...

The pain became unbearable. So, I finally caved in and went to go see the dentist. They took ex-rays and showed me.

Me: "Ok, no biggie...WTF is that?!"
Doc: "The tooth that is causing all your pain."
Me: "I understand, however, that tooth is not supposed to exist! I had the whole thing removed over 10 years ago!"
Doc: "Well as you can see, it's still there and it has slid down to your jaw bone. Little bit more and it will start to fuse. But that's not the problem. The problem is, the tooth is infected and it has infected your jaw and moved on over to the other teeth. Now the only question is; do you want the wisdom tooth next to it taken out now, before it breaks through?"
Me: "Erm...Naw, take the two, and leave the wisdom be. I'd rather it do it's thing, it has enough room (and my bank account is scared of the bill).

They dug them out. I paid with my credit card, because I wasn't sure if I had the money in my debit (after I went home, I found out I did and transferred it over.).

Then they told me, once I get my insurance - I should come back and have an estimate done. I said, "Sure, January looks like my time. See you then!"
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